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Table of Contents

  • The Concise TypeScript Book
    • Translations
    • Downloads and website
    • Table of Contents
    • Introduction
    • About the Author
    • TypeScript Introduction
      • What is TypeScript?
      • Why TypeScript?
      • TypeScript and JavaScript
      • TypeScript Code Generation
      • Modern JavaScript Now (Downleveling)
    • Getting Started With TypeScript
      • Installation
      • Configuration
      • TypeScript Configuration File
        • target
        • lib
        • strict
        • module
        • moduleResolution
        • esModuleInterop
        • jsx
        • skipLibCheck
        • files
        • include
        • exclude
      • importHelpers
      • Migration to TypeScript Advice
    • Exploring the Type System
      • The TypeScript Language Service
      • Structural Typing
      • TypeScript Fundamental Comparison Rules
      • Types as Sets
      • Assign a type: Type Declarations and Type Assertions
        • Type Declaration
        • Type Assertion
        • Ambient Declarations
      • Property Checking and Excess Property Checking
      • Weak Types
      • Strict Object Literal Checking (Freshness)
      • Type Inference
      • More Advanced Inferences
      • Type Widening
      • Const
        • Const Modifier on Type Parameters
        • Const assertion
      • Explicit Type Annotation
      • Type Narrowing
        • Conditions
        • Throwing or returning
        • Discriminated Union
        • User-Defined Type Guards
    • Primitive Types
      • string
      • boolean
      • number
      • bigInt
      • Symbol
      • null and undefined
      • Array
      • any
    • Type Annotations
    • Optional Properties
    • Readonly Properties
    • Index Signatures
    • Extending Types
    • Literal Types
    • Literal Inference
    • strictNullChecks
    • Enums
      • Numeric enums
      • String enums
      • Constant enums
      • Reverse mapping
      • Ambient enums
      • Computed and constant members
    • Narrowing
      • typeof type guards
      • Truthiness narrowing
      • Equality narrowing
      • In Operator narrowing
      • instanceof narrowing
    • Assignments
    • Control Flow Analysis
    • Type Predicates
    • Discriminated Unions
    • The never Type
    • Exhaustiveness checking
    • Object Types
    • Tuple Type (Anonymous)
    • Named Tuple Type (Labeled)
    • Fixed Length Tuple
    • Union Type
    • Intersection Types
    • Type Indexing
    • Type from Value
    • Type from Func Return
    • Type from Module
    • Mapped Types
    • Mapped Type Modifiers
    • Conditional Types
    • Distributive Conditional Types
    • infer Type Inference in Conditional Types
    • Predefined Conditional Types
    • Template Union Types
    • Any type
    • Unknown type
    • Void type
    • Never type
    • Interface and Type
      • Common Syntax
      • Basic Types
      • Objects and Interfaces
      • Union and Intersection Types
    • Built-in Type Primitives
    • Common Built-in JS Objects
    • Overloads
    • Merging and Extension
    • Differences between Type and Interface
    • Class
      • Class Common Syntax
      • Constructor
      • Private and Protected Constructors
      • Access Modifiers
      • Get and Set
      • Auto-Accessors in Classes
      • this
      • Parameter Properties
      • Abstract Classes
      • With Generics
      • Decorators
        • Class Decorators
        • Property Decorator
        • Method Decorator
        • Getter and Setter Decorators
        • Decorator Metadata
      • Inheritance
      • Statics
      • Property initialization
      • Method overloading
    • Generics
      • Generic Type
      • Generic Classes
      • Generic Constraints
      • Generic contextual narrowing
    • Erased Structural Types
    • Namespacing
    • Symbols
    • Triple-Slash Directives
    • Type Manipulation
      • Creating Types from Types
      • Indexed Access Types
      • Utility Types
        • Awaited<T>
        • Partial<T>
        • Required<T>
        • Readonly<T>
        • Record<K, T>
        • Pick<T, K>
        • Omit<T, K>
        • Exclude<T, U>
        • Extract<T, U>
        • NonNullable<T>
        • Parameters<T>
        • ConstructorParameters<T>
        • ReturnType<T>
        • InstanceType<T>
        • ThisParameterType<T>
        • OmitThisParameter<T>
        • ThisType<T>
        • Uppercase<T>
        • Lowercase<T>
        • Capitalize<T>
        • Uncapitalize<T>
        • NoInfer<T>
    • Others
      • Errors and Exception Handling
      • Mixin classes
      • Asynchronous Language Features
      • Iterators and Generators
      • TsDocs JSDoc Reference
      • @types
      • JSX
      • ES6 Modules
      • ES7 Exponentiation Operator
      • The for-await-of Statement
      • New target meta-property
      • Dynamic Import Expressions
      • ”tsc –watch”
      • Non-null Assertion Operator
      • Defaulted declarations
      • Optional Chaining
      • Nullish coalescing operator
      • Template Literal Types
      • Function overloading
      • Recursive Types
      • Recursive Conditional Types
      • ECMAScript Module Support in Node
      • Assertion Functions
      • Variadic Tuple Types
      • Boxed types
      • Covariance and Contravariance in TypeScript
        • Optional Variance Annotations for Type Parameters
      • Template String Pattern Index Signatures
      • The satisfies Operator
      • Type-Only Imports and Export
      • using declaration and Explicit Resource Management
        • await using declaration
      • Import Attributes